The Seven Sisters. The Pleiades or Seven Sisters, appear in sky lore across the globe and here in Gondwanaland (Australia) are dozens of stories from the dreaming...
Of all the constellations in the sky, this small rather faint open cluster has inspired mankind as far back as history can see. Is it a little odd that we see stories and lore written and told across the globe that go way back in time that, somehow all seem to share a few common themes... The notion that these unassuming stars of the Pleiades, represent women, as sisters, even that we see names appear in the spoken words from different languages, that, have the same sounding names.... Our example is the name Maya, of one of the brighter stars of the group, this comes from Greek mythology, then we find the Australian Indigenous people call them "Maya - Mayi".... both the Greeks and the Native Australians saw them as 7 sisters, associating stories of love, lust and even betrayal. Today, those who follow "new age" beliefs, speak fondly of the Pleiades..... Saying that it is the home system of energetic beings, the "Pleiadians", who according to Modern lore, have been involved in the evolution and the development of the human race for tens of thousands of years ~and that~ it is a part of a greater cosmic community of which we are a part, indeed that there is a master plan.... What ever your view, we find it fascinating that this little cluster has been a stand out in folk lore and even the "Mayans" (there’s that name again?) have set up a calendar that expires the in the last days of December in the year 2012. What ever you may make of this is up to you, it may be worthwhile asking your favourite "Astrologer" if they have any ideas as we head into the Age of Aquarius. I guess if I were to be theosophical about it, I would hope the song (Dawning of the Age of Aquarius) is right and that a new age would usher in an age where peace and love ruled the planet..... 2013? .... Bring it on!!!!!!!
A telescopic view of the Seven Sisters.... the "blue dust" is surrounding the stars is arranged in "bands", due to strong magnetic fields generated by these young and hot blue stars.... Image souce; Anglo Australia Telescope. |